Day 23

I can feel a lot of charge in my body as I get on the mat. An intense work day, lots of screen time and not drinking enough water I think.

I want to release but my body tells me to go slow and gently.

I’m processing a lot of thoughts, a lot of should do’s, want to’s and need to’s. At one point I want to stop and write something down but I let it go and keep moving.

Some softness arises about something I previously didn’t feel softness for.

In rest I think back over what I want to write today, there’s things I don’t want to forget.
As I drift in and out of mental processing and sleepy consciousness, I hear the words ‘let it go’, ‘let it go’ repeating in my head. I drift off.

I feel emotion as I finish. I can’t place it.

Duration: 41 mins
Tracks: Snakeroot by Lis Addison / The Song of the Butterfly by Estas Tonne / Please pass the Bliss by Nick Mulvey / On a Bed of Green Blades by slow meadow / Sahasrara by Shiva Rea & Alex Theory


Day 24


Day 22