Day 6

Straight away I notice my clenched jaw. Soften.

There’s ache in my upper back and neck.

The sound of my breath takes my attention, it’s deep and long and audible. I wonder how I’ve been breathing all day up until now.

Some subtle waves of nausea come and go. I want to move in snakelike rhythms. Then a clenching of my fists, clench and release. Stretching my legs out long behind me, I can feel the tightness and pleasure pain release in my hip flexors.

My face muscles want to stretch, I roll around my jaw, tongue, chin, cheeks, brow. I wonder how bizarre I must look from the outside. I think about how much we hold onto within our bodies because we don’t want to look weird.

I let my face soften and rest, I feel pulsing and a heat like energy run through my cheeks and jaw. It feels good. I notice warmth running out of my palms. Somehow my face and hands feel connected.

In rest I think about it what I want for dinner, then a TV program I watched yesterday. I catch my busy mind and bring my awareness down to my feet and palms resting on the floor.

I imagine looking out to the world from my palms, how do they see?

I feel relaxation in my mind and a dull and sharp sensation rises through the back of my left side jaw.

Duration: 42 mins
Tracks: Shavasana by Gabrielle Roth / Anahata by Sound Ambassador / Totem by Gabrielle Roth / Angels by Dark Sky / Breathing Space by Sacred Earth


Day 7


Day 5